The advantages of having a system that delivers hydrogen on demand exceed what hydrogen storage can offer. Reduced fuel consumption, carbon monoxide emissions and diesel particulate matter are just the beginning.
According to the park general manager Nik Gibson, the tweaked engine has cut their harmful emissions by 80% and came about from one simple idea: “Looking at how we can better protect our environment”.He said they fitted the unit back in October and since then, the diesel fumes are “not really there anymore”.
Managing Director, John Wilson and General Manager, Cory Higgins describe how HYDI hydrogen transition technology is helping heaving industry to transition their diesel-powered machinery into cleaner, more cost efficient equipment at a fraction of the cost of replacement.
Application of the HYDI technology in drilling has proved successful with Titeline Drilling fitting a HYDI 1500 to a CAT 3406 mounted on a drilling rig operating in Gawler Craton region in South Australia.
“Add a Hydrogen-Diesel Introduction System, the capital cost of which amortised over 5 years, the small amount of water required, annual service and cell replacement after 8,000-10,000 hours, the system on that one engine will save a conservative £10,685 of fuel each year."