Case Studies, News and Stories from Clients
Hydrogen on Demand Systems: Revolutionizing Clean Energy
Hydrogen on demand systems represent a significant breakthrough in the quest for sustainable and efficient energy solutions. As the world shifts towards greener energy sources, hydrogen, […]
Recent Installations of HYDI units on DP Worlds
Recent installations of HYDI units on DP Worlds’ Terberg Terminal Tractors and Hyster Top Loader forklifts at Perth's terminal in Fremantle, will lead to a significant […]
Hydrogen Hybrids Tackle Decarbonisation and the Tyranny of Distance in the Pilbara
Holcim, Scania and HYDI are partnering to decarbonise the logistics chain in Australia’s remote north-west The Pilbara is a vast region of endless red landscapes, twice […]
Transdev Trial Shows Fuel Savings of 10 Per Cent
6 week trial shows reduced emissions and fuel savings of 10%.
HYDI Hydrogen Trial with Torrens Transit
Opportunity to accumulate carbon credits derived from fuel savings at the rate of 2.68Kg of CO2 per litre of
diesel. Based on 12.5% saving from every 1 million litres of diesel, the gross benefit of a 335 Tonne reduction in GHG amounts to $4,050 (at $12/tonne).
World-first Driverless Technology to Convert 120 Road Trains for the Pilbara in 2024
Starting from Jan, 10 road trains a month will be converted into fully autonomous vehicles.
Hydrogen on Demand
The advantages of having a system that delivers hydrogen on demand exceed what hydrogen storage can offer. Reduced fuel consumption, carbon monoxide emissions and diesel particulate matter are just the beginning.
Nautical and Nice – Emissions slashing world first marine engine at thermal park
According to the park general manager Nik Gibson, the tweaked engine has cut their harmful emissions by 80% and came about from one simple idea: “Looking at how we can better protect our environment”.
He said they fitted the unit back in October and since then, the diesel fumes are “not really there anymore”.
Torrens Transit Trial
HYDI Hydrogen Trial: “set a new standard in Adelaide Metro Bus performance”
Wellington bus company’s hydrogen engine addon trial shows fuel savings of 10 per cent
A six-week trial by a Wellington bus company of a device to reduce emissions on its diesel engines has shown a 10 per cent drop in fuel consumption.
Reduce Environmental Impact with Carbon-Reduction Technology for Aquaculture
Prior Power Solutions Partners with HYDI to Reduce Environmental Impact with Carbon-Reduction Technology for Aquaculture.
Australian Drilling Industry Association – HYDI Cuts Emissions and Costs
Managing Director, John Wilson and General Manager, Cory Higgins describe how HYDI hydrogen transition technology is helping heaving industry to transition their diesel-powered machinery into cleaner, more cost efficient equipment at a fraction of the cost of replacement.
Driller cuts diesel use by 18% with clean energy
Application of the HYDI technology in drilling has proved successful with Titeline Drilling fitting a HYDI 1500 to a CAT 3406 mounted on a drilling rig operating in Gawler Craton region in South Australia.
Tackling the Hidden Diesel in Offshore Wind
This article highlights how HYDI is one solution to allow us to more responsibly use diesel in operations supporting clean energy initiatives.
Mitigate Red Diesel Reform with Hydrogen
“Add a Hydrogen-Diesel Introduction System, the capital cost of which amortised over 5 years, the small amount of water required, annual service and cell replacement after 8,000-10,000 hours, the system on that one engine will save a conservative £10,685 of fuel each year.”
Inyectar hidrógeno y gasóleo, la tecnología que quiere alargar la vida de los diésel
El principal problema que afronta esta tecnología reside en la necesidad de disponer de hidrógeno, que requiere de un tanque presurizado, una red de distribución de hidrógeno y, por supuesto, supone un coste adicional por kilómetro.
5 Top Hydrogen Fuel Startups to Watch in 2022
Global Startup analyzed a total of 414 global hydrogen fuel startups & scaleups. HYDI was recognised as one of the top 5 most promising startups to watch!
Carbon Emission Targets ARE Achievable
There are companies and countries that are taking carbon emission reduction seriously. In New Zealand, Transdev trialed HYDI units for 6 weeks. The results are staggering.
Transdev Trial Shows Fuel Savings of 10 Per Cent
6 week trial shows reduced emissions and fuel savings of 10%.
Cleaner Air is Possible – Covid Demonstrated This
Our mission is to remove global diesel emissions with smart, affordable technology that is available now. The capability to remove 80% of carbon particulate matter from the exhaust of large diesel engines is just one element of HYDI’s contribution to achieving net-zero carbon emissions.
Mercedes Added to Our Fleet
We have fitted a HYDI unit to a new Mercedes 2663 prime mover prior to delivery to the new owner last week.
SA H2H Launched
HYDI is proud to be a founding member of the South Australian Hydrogen Cluster – Hydrogen is the Fuel of the Future.
Hydrogen on Demand – Better than Hydrogen Storage
The advantages of having a system that delivers hydrogen on demand exceed what hydrogen storage can offer. Reduced fuel consumption, carbon monoxide emissions and diesel particulate matter are just the beginning
Transdev Explores New Hydrogen Tech to Reduce Emissions
Trials commence with HYDI direct injection on public transportation in NewZealand.
Wellington bus company trials hydrogen engine add-on to reduce diesel emissions
Transdev, which runs some Wellington bus routes 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, and 60e, is trialling HYDI to remove 80 per cent of emissions.
South Australian Advertiser – Flying Solo on Hydrogen
HYDI’s Hydrogen Direct Injection Units will be rolled out across the country for Solo Resource Recovery trucks saving fuel and slashing emissions from large diesel engines.
SA Hydrogen Device Aiming to Reduce Truck Emissions
InDaily An Adelaide council’s garbage truck is among a small fleet of rubbish and recycling vehicles across the country to be fitted with a South […]
HYDI is an ATC Finalist
HYDI is a proud finalist in the 2020 Australia Technologies Competition.
Green Light is On
Hydrogen, with three times the energy content of diesel, is volatile, and past attempts to harness it have failed because of safety, space and weight constraints. Not any more with HYDI’s Hydrogen Direct Injection Unit.
HYDI Hydrogen Trial with Torrens Transit
Opportunity to accumulate carbon credits derived from fuel savings at the rate of 2.68Kg of CO2 per litre of
diesel. Based on 12.5% saving from every 1 million litres of diesel, the gross benefit of a 335 Tonne reduction in GHG amounts to $4,050 (at $12/tonne).
Fuel-saving Units Gain Speed on Road to Commercialisation
IN DAILY have written an excellent piece on Hydi's new technology and our effort to bring our product to market. Here is a snippet of what […]
Australia Mining – Hydrogen on Demand To Arrive in Australia
The advantages of having a system that delivers hydrogen on demand exceed what hydrogen storage can offer. Reduced fuel consumption, carbon monoxide emission and diesel particulate matter are just the beginning.
Can HYDI Clients Take Advantage of the Opportunities Offered by the Emissions Reduction Fund?
With the announcement of "the $2 billon Climate Solutions Fund to support Australian farmers, businesses and communities to adopt new technologies that reduce emissions and increase […]
Coast to Coast Climate Solution
The Morrison Government to open up new opportunities to reduce emissions across the industrial, manufacturing, transpotr and agriculture sectors through $2 billion Climate So.utions Fund.
Torrens Transit
1560 performed surprisingly well throughout the day, the throttle response was much better than other buses, power from standing to desired speed was smooth and constant with little or no lag.