Coast to Coast Climate Solution
May 19, 2020
Australia Mining – Hydrogen on Demand To Arrive in Australia
June 1, 2020With the announcement of “the $2 billon Climate Solutions Fund to support Australian farmers, businesses and communities to adopt new technologies that reduce emissions and increase efficiency and productivity”, one would think that there is a great opportunity for farmers and businesses around Australia to look to HYDI’s Hydrogen Direct Injection unit to attach to any diesel engine to reduce fuel consumption, reduce carbon emissions, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase power.

With the announcement of “the $2 billon Climate Solutions Fund to support Australian farmers, businesses and communities to adopt new technologies that reduce emissions and increase efficiency and productivity”, one would think that there is a great opportunity for farmers and businesses around Australia to look to HYDI’s Hydrogen Direct Injection unit to attach to any diesel engine to reduce fuel consumption, reduce carbon emissions, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase power.
Here is the official announcement from the government:
Building on the success of the Emissions Reduction Fund
The Morrison Government will open up new opportunities to reduce emissions across the industrial, manufacturing, transport and agriculture sectors through the $2 billion Climate Solutions Fund.
In October 2019, the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor commissioned an Expert Panel, chaired by former Business Council of Australia president Grant King, to identify new opportunities to unlock low cost abatement across the economy.
The release of the King Review looks to build on the success of the Emissions Reduction Fund and is the next step in the Government’s ‘technology not taxes’ approach to reducing emissions.
Minister Taylor said the Government’s approach will incentivise voluntary emissions reductions on a broader scale – without imposing new costs on households, businesses or the economy.
Minister Taylor said the Government will look to deploy the $2 billion Climate Solutions Fund to support Australian farmers, businesses and communities to adopt new technologies that reduce emissions and increase efficiency and productivity.
“The Government will target dollar for dollar co-investment from the private sector and other levels of government to drive at least $4 billion of investment that will reduce emissions across Australia,” Minister Taylor said.
“We have seen considerable success in the land and electricity sectors to reduce emissions – this is about supporting and capitalising on new and exciting opportunities in the agriculture, manufacturing, industrial and transport sectors to build on that success.”
The King Review makes 26 recommendations across three themes:
- Enhancing the Emissions Reduction Fund to encourage greater participation;
- Incentivising voluntary emissions reductions on a broader scale; and
- Unlocking the transformative low emissions technologies that businesses need.
Key recommendations supported by the Government include:
- Reducing red tape for small ERF projects and increased industry involvement in the development of new methods to participate in the ERF;
- Supporting investment in projects that reduce emissions, through a below-baseline crediting mechanism for Safeguard-covered facilities;
- Developing a co-investment program to accelerate technologies with high potential, in ‘hard to abate’ sectors like heavy industry and transport; and
- ARENA and the CEFC should support the widest possible range of technologies that reduce emissions.
The recommendations align with the Government’s technology-based approach to reducing emissions, which will be developed further through the Technology Investment Roadmap that will soon be released for public consultation.
“Our 2030 Paris target is a floor not a ceiling. These reforms will position Australia to overachieve on our 2030 Paris target while maintaining a strong economy,” Minister Taylor said.
Australia is on track to exceed its 2020 emissions reduction target by 411 million tonnes. The $3.5 billion Climate Solutions Package maps out how we will achieve our 2030 Paris target.
The Emissions Reduction Fund has successfully contracted more than 190 million tonnes of emissions reductions at an average price of around $12 per tonne.
The Technology Investment Roadmap will support the development of new technologies that will reduce Australia’s emissions, and create new industries and jobs, and ensure Australia has access to affordable and reliable energy as it recovers from the COVID19 pandemic.
The King Review and the Government’s detailed response to the recommendations are available online here: Industry.gov.au/KingReview
Media contacts:
Minister Taylor’s office 02 6277 7120